Thursday, September 6, 2012

Everything is Rock Paper Scissor

The game of my choice that i feel like is similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors is Call of Duty. Call of Duty is a multiplayer shooter game. I think this is similar to Rock, Paper, Scissor (R,P,S) because Call of Duty requires a lot of luck. If you see the person before they see you, you will most likely win. It does involve a lot of skill too, just like R,P,S. R,P,S is all about luck, but you do need to understand the gameplay and what move to make and when to make it. So this is very similar to Call of Duty, but they do also have several differences like the intensity of the gameplay. R,P,S is very quick and harmless, but Call of Duty can take a long time and be very frustrating.

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